It's what's for dinner!
An unlikely comparison?
Published on September 12, 2005 By KBV In Console Games
This comparison is actually pretty good, and it just came to me while chatting on IRC.

* Firefox is Gamecube
* Opera is Xbox
* Internet Explorer is PlayStation 2
* Netscape is Phantom

Why you ask? Easy.

Firefox is simple, lightweight and easy to use. It's highly advanced in the technology department and almost everyone loves it. And it's #2.

Opera is #3, it's bloated, and has all this extra things in it, and it costs money if you want it ad free. It has an email client, bittorrent client and many other stuff. You can turn them off I'm sure, but it's still there.

Internet Explorer is #1, it uses old technology that 90s called and wanted back. It's fast, but lacks on all other areas. It hangs up some times and it's a bitch to code to. They have backing from a company that has an endless amount of cash to push in it's direction, and everyone uses it because it's there.

Why is Netscape compared to the Phantom console? Because who gives a flying fuck what is up with Netscape.

This was written when I was bored out of my mind, so don't mind anything written here. Thank you.

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